Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Calendula Flowers

Calendula is an annual plant with cheerful orange flowers that blooms in the spring.  Every gardener should grow calendula, not only for the color, but also for the herbal properties of the flower.

Calendula officinalis

Uses:  wound healing, burns, stings, varicose veins, thrush, gastritis, painful periods, inflamed and ulcerated conditions, warts and corns (sap), and callouses.

Preparation Methods:  creams, salves, infused oils, essential oil, herbal tea, tincture, and poultice.

Dried Calendula

Buy dried calendula here

Caution:  Avoid during pregnancy, may cause allergic reactions, people sensitive to ragweed or other plants in the daisy family.  

Posted by Lisa Ray

Sage Hill Botanicals Herb Company

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