Friday, July 7, 2017

Red Clover

Red clovers ability to detox comes from its high antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants give your body some serious backup when it comes to killing off those free radicals that cause us so much damage to our bodies. Getting a daily boost of antioxidants is important because if there is no defense against them, free radicals can do a real number on our health. 

 Great hot or iced!


Red clover not only can detox, but it can help in these areas also!

  • Reduces Menopausal Symptoms
  • Helps Maintain Bone Strength
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health
  • Lowers the Risk for Certain Cancers
  • Treats Skin Inflammation
  • Fights Respiratory Infections
Posted by Lisa Ray

Buy Red Clover Tea here
Sage Hill Botanicals Herb Company

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